Excellence is ensured through the right combination of expertise and strategic problem solving.
The right attitude and approach, teamwork and collaboration internally and with our clients mean success for the entire project.
Preview has a focus on delivery and long term success, so effective staff are vital to our program.
Responsiveness, flexibility and competence is what we look for in a great team. Dedication and entrepreneurial spirit drive performance on site. Modern, appropriate solutions driven by clear strategy create an environment of success.
Mark Midwinter - Managing Director
Preview Pty Ltd
Mark MidwinterDIRECTOR, Preview Pty LtdInsurance and the technology industry in Australia and overseas have been Mark’s focus for more than twenty five years. His knowledge of insurance package marketing spans Risk and Wealth, Ca.. |
Michael BurgunCHIEF TECHNOLOGISTThe Chief Technologist role is instrumental in supporting Preview’s approach to utilising best of breed solutions for effective modernisation and transformation. In this role, Michael suppor.. |
Kim PurwantoSOLUTIONS DELIVERYKim specialises in project management for bespoke software developments. With focus on insurance and financial services delivery including insurance point of sale solutions for direct and broker c.. |
Di BeauchampMARKETING & COMMUNICATIONSDi brings a diverse range of marketing expertise gathered in the corporate sphere and more recently from consulting to small-mid sized entrepreneurial enterprises. Academically, Di holds a b.. |
Gary WhittonOPERATIONS MANAGERGary is responsible for all accounting and operational duties for Preview. Prior to joining Preview, Gary had a long and successful career in insurance IT, including senior management roles wi.. |